Blasting Training and Certification

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Blasting Training and Certification

In 1995, the legislature enacted the Quarry and Open Pit Mine Blasting Control Act which gives the division jurisdiction over restrictions and limits on blasting at quarries and open pit mines in the state.

Safety training classes and safety consultation visits to assist employers in meeting the requirements of federal and state mining laws are provided by this division.

Also provided are consultations with operators, property owners and the general public on complaints related to blasting. Seismograph monitoring of blasting sites is also available, as is blasting training. Individuals doing blasting in Arkansas are required by Arkansas Code 13  to attend a blasting safety training course. All blasters in Arkansas must be certified. 

Contact Information

Joe Scheyder – 501-690-9244

For information concerning Mining Laws and Rules and the Quarry and Open Pit Mine Blasting Control Act please refer to the Laws and Rules link on this website.