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Resident Appraisers

Resident Appraisers

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You can renew online using the link at the bottom of this page and then mail the appropriate renewal form to us, or you can mail your renewal form, fee, and CE completion certificates together.

Please mail documents to AALCB, 900 W Capitol Ave, Suite 400, Little Rock AR 72201. If any of the required items are missing from an application upon receipt by AALCB, the application will be returned.

  • The renewal fee is $125 ($200 – $75 discount).
  • You must submit completion certificates for 14 hours of CE/QE taken within the last year.
    PLEASE NOTE: Attendance verifications are not adequate; completion certificates are required.

2024 Registered Apprentice Appraiser Renewal Form

2024 State Registered Appraiser Renewal Form

Arkansas (Resident) Licensed or Certified Appraiser Renewals

Please mail documents to AALCB, 900 W Capitol Ave, Suite 400, Little Rock AR 72201. If any of the required items are missing from an application upon receipt by AALCB, the application will be returned.

  • The fee of $265 ($340 – $75 discount) for renewed status must accompany the application.
  • Completion certificates for 28 hours of continuing education, taken every 2 years on the even numbered years (see education periods below), must accompany the application via mail or can be emailed to or

    • June 2023 – No education due
    • June 2024 – 28 hrs taken between July 2022-June 2024
    • June 2025 – No education due
    • June 2026 – 28 hrs taken between July 2024-June 2026
    • June 2027 – No education due
    • June 2028 – 28 hrs taken between July 2026-June 2028

PLEASE NOTE: Arkansas (Resident) Licensed and Certified Appraisers must renew by June 30 of each year. If you renew after June 30, you must include the fee and $50 for each month or partial month you are late.

Upgrade a License

Real Property Appraiser Classifications in Arkansas

  • State Licensed to Certified Residential
  • State Licensed to Certified General
  • Certified Residential to Certified General

State Licensed To Certified Residential:

Required Education

Statistics, Modeling, and Finance 15 hrs
Advanced Residential Applications and Case Studies 15 hrs
Appraisal Subject Matter Electives (must be tested) 20 hrs
Total 50 hrs

Required Experience

One thousand five hundred (1,500) hours of experience obtained during no fewer than twelve (12) months is required.  While the hours may be cumulative, the required number of months must accrue before an individual can be certified.

State Licensed To Certified General:

Required Education

General Appraiser Market Analysis & Highest and Best Use 15 hrs
Statistics, Modeling, and Finance 15 hrs
General Appraiser Sales Comparison Approach  15 hrs
General Appraiser Site Valuation & Cost Approach 15 hrs
General Appraiser Income Approach 45 hrs
General Appraiser Report Writing & Case Studies 15 hrs
Appraiser Subject Matter Electives (must be tested) 30 hrs
Total 150 hrs

  • Applicants for the Certified General license must hold a Bachelor’s Degree or higher from an accredited college or university.

Required Experience

Three thousand (3,000) hours of experience obtained during no fewer than eighteen (18) months is required, of which one thousand five hundred (1,500) hours must be in non-residential appraisal work.  While the hours may be cumulative, the required number of months must accrue before an individual can be certified.

Certified Residential To Certified General:

Required Education

General Appraiser Market Analysis and Highest and Best Use 15 hrs
General Appraiser Sales Comparison Approach 15 hrs
General Appraiser Site Valuation & Cost Approach 15 hrs
General Appraiser Income Approach 45 hrs
General Appraiser Report Writing & Case Studies 10 hrs
Total 100 hrs

  • Applicants for the Certified General license must hold a Bachelor’s Degree or higher from an accredited college or university.

Required Experience

Three thousand (3,000) hours of experience obtained during no fewer than eighteen (18) months is required, of which one thousand five hundred (1,500) hours must be in non-residential appraisal work.  While the hours may be cumulative, the required number of months must accrue before an individual can be certified.

Severe Weather: Donate to the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program