


Complaints and Hearings


Complaints or violations may be reported by the general public to the Arkansas Fire Protection Licensing Board informing the Board of any violation which has been observed. Individuals reporting a violation will be required to provide the following information:

  • Name of the Company or Individual involved in the reported incident.
  • Date and complete details of the reported incident, including location of incident, address, telephone number and contact person.
  • If known, the license number of the company and/or individual.
  • Your name and telephone number. This information will remain confidential.
  • The report will be given to the investigator who will conduct a thorough investigation of the incident.

(A complete detail of complaints and hearings may be found in A.C.A.20-22-601 or in the Rules.)

Download Complaint Form


Hearings may be conducted when a company or individual has violated A.C.A.20-22-601, as amended, or the Rules of Portable/Fixed Fire Suppression Systems or Sprinkler Systems.

(A complete detail of complaints and hearings may be found in A.C.A.20-22-601 or in the Rules.)