Licensing Information

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Licensing Information


Out of State Licensure Notice

New License Information

Firms or individuals desiring to engage in the business of installing, repairing or inspecting fire suppression systems (portable fire extinguishers, fixed fire suppression systems, water sprinkler systems) must be licensed with the Arkansas Fire Protection Licensing Board. Each company must have at least one licensed employee.

Listed below is the licensing information required for the various types of fire suppression.

  • Sprinkler System

  • Portable System

  • Fixed Fire Suppression System

Sprinkler System

New License Information and Instructions for Sprinkler Systems

Effective: 06.01.14: ALL Fire Sprinkler Contractors Licensed in Arkansas

A sprinkler company desiring to be licensed in the State of Arkansas must submit an application and appropriate fees to the Arkansas Fire Protection Licensing Board.

The company must employ at least one full time individual with NICET LEVEL III certification or a Bachelor of Science Degree in Fire Protection Engineering (or Engineering Technology) from a recognized institution accompanied by a signed affidavit from an Arkansas licensed sprinkler contractor verifying the individual has a minimum of 3 years subsequent experience in the fire sprinkler layout. The individual must submit an application and pass a sprinkler examination prior to issuance of a license.

A company desiring to engage in the business of sprinkler systems inspection must have at least one licensed inspector. Individuals desiring to become a licensed inspector must pass a sprinkler inspector examination.

The following information must be submitted with the company application:

  • Current copy of company insurance certificate . (Minimum of $1,000,000.00)
  • A sample (not a copy) of the company’s service tag, red tag and hydraulic placard. Examples and standards for each can be found in the Rules and Regulations for Sprinkler Systems.
  • A copy of NICET certificate or Bachelor of Science Degree and a letter from a licensed sprinkler company attached to the Responsible Managing Employee licensing application.
  • Contact the Arkansas Fire Protection Licensing Board to ascertain there is no other company using the same or similar company name you desire to use for licensing.
  • All fees must accompany the applications.

Portable System

New License Information and Instructions for Portable Systems

Firms desiring to become licensed in the State of Arkansas must submit a Certificate of Registration for Portable/Fixed application accompanied by the appropriate fees.

Companies not requesting a license for Class A or B Hydrostatic testing must have a letter from a company licensed for hydrostatic testing and licensed with this Board stating they will perform the work. A sample of the tags and labels must accompany the application.

Changes in tags or label must be submitted to the Board.

The company cannot be licensed until an individual employed by the company has passed the examination for which the company is applying. (A company cannot be licensed for more than the employee is licensed to perform and the employee cannot be licensed to perform more than the company is licensed to perform.)

Fixed Fire Suppression System

New License Information and Instructions for Fixed Fire Suppression Systems

The information provided for Portable Fire Extinguishers also applies to and is required for Fixed Fire Suppression Systems. Application for Fixed Fire Suppression Systems may be submitted with Portables or you may submit separately.

The company can only be licensed when there is an employee licensed for the specific type and brand.

The following information must accompany the applications:

  • Current copy of company insurance certificate (Minimum of $1,000,000.00)
  • Sample (not a copy) of service tag, red tag, verification of service collar, maintenance label.
  • Current copy of the DOT letter with Class A Hydrostatic testing application.
  • Companies not applying for Class A or B Hydrostatic License must submit a letter from a company licensed with the Board and licensed for either A or B stating the licensed company will perform the work for your firm.