Board Members

Board Members

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President – Christina Ellis, CPA

Christina Ellis of Hot Springs, AR was appointed to the Arkansas State Board of Public Accountancy by Governor Asa Hutchinson on July 31, 2020.  Christina is a partner with JWCK, LTD in Hot Springs. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in accounting and a MBA from Henderson State University. Her term expires in August of 2025.

Secretary – Barrett Belew, CPA

Barrett was appointed to the Arkansas State Board of Public Accountancy by Governor Sarah Sanders on April 26, 2023.  Barrett is an assurance partner with HoganTaylor LLP in Little Rock.  He earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Master of Accountancy degree from the University of Arkansas.  His term expires in August of 2026.

Treasury – Megan Turner, CPA

Megan was appointed to the Arkansas State Board of Public Accountancy by Governor Sarah Sanders on April 26, 2023.  Megan is a self-employed CPA in Little Rock.  She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Ouachita Baptist University.  Her term expires in August of 2027.

Member – Richard L. Bell, JD, CPA, CVA

Richard was appointed to the Arkansas State Board of Public Accountancy by Governor Asa Hutchinson in August 2018.  He is the founder and CEO of Bell & Company, P.A. in North Little Rock.  His term expires in August of 2028.

Member – Dr. Shane Warrick, CPA

Shane was appointed to the Arkansas State Board of Public Accountancy by Governor Asa Hutchinson in October 2019. He holds the position of Associate Professor of Accounting at Southern Arkansas University in Magnolia, Arkansas. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Southern Arkansas University, his Master’s degree from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, and his PhD from Jackson State University.  His term expires in August of 2024.

Member – Don Curdie, JD (Public Representative)

Don was appointed to the Arkansas State Board of Public Accountancy by Governor Sarah Sanders on April 26, 2023.  Don served many years as a Federal Administrative Law judge in Little Rock.  His term expires in August of 2028.

Member – Marty Gunaca

Martin (Marty) Gunaca was appointed to the Arkansas State Board of Public Accountancy by Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders on October 10, 2023. Marty is President & Chief Executive Officer at Golden Cakes based in Little Rock, Arkansas. Previously, Marty was a General Manager at IHOP and held positions at Katin USA. His term expires in August of 2027.

Previous Board Members