License Renewal

License Renewal

Exam Information
Exam Information
License Instructions

You can only renew a license at the same status that you are currently licensed.  You cannot change to inactive or retired status without contacting the Board. 

  • To renew online, enter your entire license number. Example: 090, 9090, 999C or 9090R.
  • Individual licensees must enter their birth date in the following format: MMDDYYYY. Do not enter slashes or dashes. Example: 01091956.
  • Firms must enter their business EIN in the following format (including the dash): 01-2345678
  • Make all necessary changes to accurately report your current address, phone, and/or email information. You cannot change your name through the renewal process.
  • DO NOT back-date your CPE for renewal purposes.
  • Do not aggregate (sum up) your CPE on a single line.  Every CPE course must be listed separately, just as it is described on the CPE certificate.
  • Before entering your payment information, you will be asked to confirm that the information you entered is accurate.  Your electronic signature certifies the accuracy of your license renewal.

Ready to renew online? Click Here

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