Boiler Inspection, Licensing and Permits

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Boiler Inspection, Licensing and Permits

The Boiler Inspection Division was established by legislative action in 1917 to protect the public from the inherent dangers prevailing in the construction, installation, operation and repair of steam boilers and related pressure vessels.

The Division’s primary objective is the prevention of boiler and pressure vessel accidents which might cause loss of life and/or extensive property damage. This is accomplished by the enforcement of the appropriate sections of the various codes formulated by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and enforcement of the rules of the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors Code adopted by the Boiler Division.

The Boiler Inspection Division will at all times work closely with sellers, installers, repairmen, owners, users and operators, by providing assistance in interpreting the boiler safety laws of the State of Arkansas, the A.S.M.E., and the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection Codes.

The Boiler Inspection Division is self-supporting and operates only on fees established and approved by the General Assembly. The fees are for services such as annual and biennial inspections of all boilers and pressure vessels; the examination and licensing of boiler operators; quality control assurance surveys; ASME Code Shop service; and licensing of firms to install and repair boilers and vessels.

For all Boiler related inquiries or submissions, please submit all inquiries and submissions to [email protected]

Anhydrous Ammonia –  Contact Email: [email protected]. Anhydrous Ammonia vessels are inspected by State Inspectors annually. Some storage vessels requirements are:

  • Have legible and valid Nameplate
  • Bear the National Board Registration
  • Be constructed for Ammonia Storage
  • Have current and valid Boiler Division Inspection sticker
  • Be constructed to ASME Section VIII Div. -1

Insurance Inspections – Contact Phone: 501-682-4515. Insurance Inspectors set up their own schedules and appointments. All inspection fees are paid by the insurance company; however, this does not include the certificate fees. The following Insurance Companies are qualified to inspect boilers and pressure vessels in the State of Arkansas:

  • Ace American Insurance Co
  • Arise Inc
  • Chubb Group (Chubb & Son Div. of Federal Insurance Co)
  • Cincinnati Insurance
  • CNA Insurance
  • Factory Mutual (FM Global)
  • Hartford Steam Boiler
  • Liberty Mutual Ins Co
  • National Union Ins Co of Pittsburgh PA
  • OneBeacon America Ins Co
  • OneCis Ins Co (A Bureau Veritas Co)
  • Seneca Insurance Company
  • Starr Indemnity and Liability Co
  • The Travelers (St. Paul Travelers)
  • XL Insurance America Inc
  • Zurich/American Insurance Co (Zurich Services Corporation)

State Inspections –  Contact Email: [email protected]. The State of Arkansas Boiler Division inspects those boilers and pressure vessels located in companies which do not have boiler/pressure vessel insurance through one of the authorized insurance inspection companies. Inspections made by the state are charged an inspection fee as well as a certificate fee.


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Name of the Individual, Company, or Object the complaint is being filed against


MM slash DD slash YYYY

Boiler Operator Licenses – Beginning February 1, 2011, there will be a $25.00 testing fee which must be prepaid before an applicant may take the examination.  If the applicant passes the test, this fee will be applied to the first year’s license.  If the applicant must re-test, there will be a $25.00 fee per test.  Upon passing the test, the fee for that test will be applied to the first year’s license. No refunds are given for testing fees.

Contact Email: [email protected]. There are two types of boiler operator licenses:

  • Low Pressure Boiler Operator Licenses allow operation of low pressure boilers only.
  • High Pressure Boiler Operator Licenses allow operation of both low and high pressure boilers.

6 months training/experience under a licensed boiler operator is required prior to taking either examination. A DD214 form may be acceptable. Applications may be acquired through the Boiler Division. Completed applications must be brought to testing site at time of testing, and given to the state inspector who administers the test. 

The test is given in the Little Rock office on the first Monday of each month, unless the office is closed. Tests may be given at various dates at key locations around the state; please call for more information. Appointments are required to take the test at any location. Seating is limited, so please call in advance to ensure availability.  Current Schedule - 2024 ; Testing Schedule For 2025

Repair Licenses – Contact Phone: 501-682-4514. If a company repairs boilers or pressure vessels in the State of Arkansas, that company is required to possess a current Repair License with the Boiler Division.

  • All Repair Licenses expire on December 31st of each year.
  • The license fee is $75.00 per calendar year.
  • Those companies who do weld repairs on their own vessels must either hold a current NB Code “R” stamp certification or submit to us copies of their Quality Control Manual, Weld Procedures Specifications, Welders Qualification Records and supporting Procedure Qualification Records for Boiler Division files.
  • Companies or Individuals who do weld repairs on boilers and/or pressure vessels not at their own location must hold an “R” stamp issued by the National Board of Boilers and Pressure Vessels.
  • All Welders must be examined and qualified to Section IX of the ASME Code. All welded repairs/alterations require an R-1 or State Welding form.

Sell & Installation Licenses – Contact Phone: 501-682-4514. If a company sells or installs boilers, pressure vessels, or pressure piping in the State of Arkansas, that company is required to possess a current Installation License with the Boiler Division.

  • All Installation Licenses expire on December 31st of each year.
  • If a company installs pressure piping, they must have the Pressure Piping Endorsement on their Installation License.
  • The license fee is $75.00 per calendar year.
  • Applicants for a license who perform welding shall possess the National Board “R” stamp or shall certify that they perform welding only on vessels owned and operated by the applicant.
  • All Welders must be examined and qualified to Section IX of the ASME Code.

Certificates of Competency – Contact Phone: 501-682-4514. Certificates of Competency, or Inspector Commissions, are issued to State and Insurance Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, authorizing them to do inspections within the State of Arkansas.

Commissions expire June 30th of each year, and are renewable at that time.

Fees for Commissions Fees
New commissions (the inspector has not been previously commissioned with the State of Arkansas): $25.00
Transferred commissions  
(the inspector previously held an Arkansas commission with another insurance company or the State):
Re-commissions (the inspector has been working in another capacity for the same insurance company  
that is now renewing his commission, and the commission has been expired over two years):
Renewal commissions (the inspector has a current commission due for renewal): $15.00

An Application for Arkansas Commission, along with a copy of the inspector’s current National Board workcard, is required for New and Transferred commissions.

A copy of the inspector’s current National Board workcard is required for Renewals and Re-commissions.

Certificates of Inspection – Contact Email: [email protected]. Certificates of Inspection are issued after payment is received for fees due. In some cases a certificate, the vessel owner may receive a violation letter, which requires the owner to notify the office when required repairs are completed or violations have been cleared up so that the certificate may then be issued once an inspector has verified compliance and released the hold on the certificate.

  • Certificates of Inspection are issued for 1 or 2 years, depending upon the type of vessel.

Piping Installation Permits – Contact Phone: 501-682-4514. Each Pressure Piping Installation Requires a Permit to Install Pressure Piping. Installers must possess a current Installation License with Pressure Piping Endorsement from the Boiler Division.

  • The fee for Pressure Piping Permits is $100 (one hundred dollars) per permit, regardless of the size of the job. One application per job/installation.
  • Once a Pressure Piping Permit is issued, an Owner’s Report of Piping Installation is sent along with the permit, to be filled-out when the job is completed and returned to the Boiler Division after all parties have signed the report.

Vessel Installation Permits – Contact Email: [email protected]. An Installation Permit, or Permit to Install, is required for each boiler or pressure vessel installed in the State of Arkansas. Installers must also possess a current Installation License with the Boiler Division.

  • Fees for vessel installation permits are based on either the horsepower or the gallon capacity of the vessel, depending upon whether it is a fired or unfired vessel. Fees are listed at the bottom of the permit application.

Vessel Repair Permits – Contact Phone: 501-682-4514. When a boiler or pressure vessel is repaired, a Repair Permit is required. Repairers must also possess a current Repair License with the Boiler Division.

  • There is no charge at this time for Repair Permits.
  • All alterations must be approved by the Chief Inspector of the Boiler Division.