


Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 25-19-108, the following is a list and general description, including computer databases, of records compiled and maintained by the Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission (AWCC). These records are subject to Ark. Code Ann. § 25-19-105. To make a specific request for any record listed, contact the AWCC Communications Liaison.

Administrative Services Division

  1. From FY02 and onward, financial information in AASIS (paper copies of source documents also are retained).
  2. Previous fiscal years’ financial information and source documents from AFGM (predecessor to AASIS).
  3. Miscellaneous files, including lease documents, professional service contracts, bond documents, premium tax documents, and inventory records.
  4. Personnel records.
  5. Recruiting activities.
  6. Career Ladder Incentive Pay program records.
  7. Employee handbook.
  8. Budget requests and internal, as well as OPM, job descriptions.
  9. Payroll records (documents other than benefits which impact payroll).
  10. Benefits information.
  11. Retirement and Deferred Retirement Option Plan records.
  12. Attendance and leave records.
  13. FMLA, catastrophic leave, and workers compensation claims by AWCC employees.
  14. Leave liability reports.
  15. Vehicle records (uses, maintenance)
  16. Parking lot data for security and maintenance.
  17. Educational Conference attendees.

Health and Safety Division

  1. Rule 32 database information on employers in the Rule 32 program
  2. Rule 31 database information collected from insurance carriers’ annual reports.
  3. Field Safety Representative/Approved Professional Safety Source (FSR/APSS) database.

Legal Advisor Division

  1. Call-sheet logs.
  2. Assignment logs.
  3. Records of mediated claims and their outcomes.

Library and Office of General Counsel

  1. Bound volumes of ALJ and Full Commission opinions.
  2. Billing and subscription records.
  3. Contractors Licensing Board files.

Medical Cost Containment Division

  1. Balance billing allegations and determinations.
  2. Administrative review requests and orders.
  3. Change-of-physician requests and orders.
  4. Medical audit files.

Office Services

  1. Daily totals and listing of cases assigned to Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) for adjudication (by territory and type of assignment).
  2. Daily totals and listing of case assignments to the Legal Advisor Division for mediation, conferences, and joint petitions.
  3. Daily totals and listing of cases assigned to the Medical Cost Containment Division on change-of-physician requests.
  4. Computer records on lien notices (child support, attorney liens, medical providers) filed with the AWCC.
  5. Computer records of cases closed by the filing of AR-4 forms.
  6. Computer records of AR-2 filings (acceptance/rejection of claims).
  7. Daily totals of cases appealed to the Full Commission from rulings by ALJs.
  8. Computer records on appeal submissions and dispositions.
  9. Computer records on motion filings and disposition.
  10. Daily totals of cases appealed to the Court of Appeals from rulings by the Full Commission.
  11. Computer records of commission claim files reduced to microfilm.
  12. Computer records of total pages of documents filmed from other AWCC divisions.
  13. Computer records on medicals filed for active commission cases.
  14. Computer AR-4 monitoring program.
  15. Information from Form AR-3.
  16. Information from Form AR-C.
  17. Computer records on legal representation of parties to claims.
  18. Computer records on dismissal orders.
  19. Computer records on medical expense totals on claims.
  20. Computer records on amounts paid for time lost due to injury/illness and actual number of days/weeks lost due to injury/illness.
  21. Computer records on amounts paid for permanent disability and number of weeks/days for which permanent disability is paid.
  22. Computer records on dollar amounts paid for partial disability.
  23. Computer records on compensation disability pay rates.
  24. Computer records on injured workers average weekly wage.
  25. Computer records on settlement (joint petition) dollars paid.
  26. Computer records on lump sum dollars paid.
  27. Computer records on dollars paid for funeral expenses.
  28. Computer records on cases controverted (denied) by insurers.
  29. Computer records on cases which result in no lost time (medical-only).
  30. Computer records on appeal dismissals.


  1. Records of the proof of coverage filings and Certificate of Non-Coverage documents.
  2. Data entry of the Form 1 and Form C information.
  3. Compliance investigation files.
  4. One-year records of written requests for claim history searches.

Self-Insurance Division

  1. Records of companies who are self-insured for workers’ compensation.
  2. Records of self-insured groups.
  3. Records of employers who are members of self-insured groups.
  4. Records of third party administrators of workers’ compensation claims.
  5. Premium tax records for all individual self-insured employers and self-insured groups.
  6. Loss summary data for all individual and self-insured groups.
  7. Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurer Guaranty Fund billing records.
  8. Security deposit information for all individual and group self-insurers.

Special Funds

  1. Monthly reports containing open and closed cases as well as monthly, year-to-day and fiscal-to-date payments.
  2. Financial information from master records on the main database.
  3. Attorney assignments.
  4. Spreadsheets for each claim, updated from the time the first payment is made.
  5. Records of deaths with notes on compensability, denial of the claim, or liability.
  6. Policy and procedure manual.

Information Technology Division

  1. Database of interested parties.
  2. Compilation of all divisions’ mailing lists for bulk mail-outs.
  3. Rules – History of changes.
  4. Forms – History of changes.
  5. Advisory notices – History of changes.

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