Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 25-19-108, the following is a list and general description, including computer databases, of records compiled and maintained by the Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission (AWCC). These records are subject to Ark. Code Ann. § 25-19-105. To make a specific request for any record listed, contact the AWCC Communications Liaison.
Administrative Services Division
- From FY02 and onward, financial information in AASIS (paper copies of source documents also are retained).
- Previous fiscal years’ financial information and source documents from AFGM (predecessor to AASIS).
- Miscellaneous files, including lease documents, professional service contracts, bond documents, premium tax documents, and inventory records.
- Personnel records.
- Recruiting activities.
- Career Ladder Incentive Pay program records.
- Employee handbook.
- Budget requests and internal, as well as OPM, job descriptions.
- Payroll records (documents other than benefits which impact payroll).
- Benefits information.
- Retirement and Deferred Retirement Option Plan records.
- Attendance and leave records.
- FMLA, catastrophic leave, and workers compensation claims by AWCC employees.
- Leave liability reports.
- Vehicle records (uses, maintenance)
- Parking lot data for security and maintenance.
- Educational Conference attendees.
Health and Safety Division
- Rule 32 database information on employers in the Rule 32 program
- Rule 31 database information collected from insurance carriers’ annual reports.
- Field Safety Representative/Approved Professional Safety Source (FSR/APSS) database.
Legal Advisor Division
- Call-sheet logs.
- Assignment logs.
- Records of mediated claims and their outcomes.
Library and Office of General Counsel
- Bound volumes of ALJ and Full Commission opinions.
- Billing and subscription records.
- Contractors Licensing Board files.
Medical Cost Containment Division
- Balance billing allegations and determinations.
- Administrative review requests and orders.
- Change-of-physician requests and orders.
- Medical audit files.
Office Services
- Daily totals and listing of cases assigned to Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) for adjudication (by territory and type of assignment).
- Daily totals and listing of case assignments to the Legal Advisor Division for mediation, conferences, and joint petitions.
- Daily totals and listing of cases assigned to the Medical Cost Containment Division on change-of-physician requests.
- Computer records on lien notices (child support, attorney liens, medical providers) filed with the AWCC.
- Computer records of cases closed by the filing of AR-4 forms.
- Computer records of AR-2 filings (acceptance/rejection of claims).
- Daily totals of cases appealed to the Full Commission from rulings by ALJs.
- Computer records on appeal submissions and dispositions.
- Computer records on motion filings and disposition.
- Daily totals of cases appealed to the Court of Appeals from rulings by the Full Commission.
- Computer records of commission claim files reduced to microfilm.
- Computer records of total pages of documents filmed from other AWCC divisions.
- Computer records on medicals filed for active commission cases.
- Computer AR-4 monitoring program.
- Information from Form AR-3.
- Information from Form AR-C.
- Computer records on legal representation of parties to claims.
- Computer records on dismissal orders.
- Computer records on medical expense totals on claims.
- Computer records on amounts paid for time lost due to injury/illness and actual number of days/weeks lost due to injury/illness.
- Computer records on amounts paid for permanent disability and number of weeks/days for which permanent disability is paid.
- Computer records on dollar amounts paid for partial disability.
- Computer records on compensation disability pay rates.
- Computer records on injured workers average weekly wage.
- Computer records on settlement (joint petition) dollars paid.
- Computer records on lump sum dollars paid.
- Computer records on dollars paid for funeral expenses.
- Computer records on cases controverted (denied) by insurers.
- Computer records on cases which result in no lost time (medical-only).
- Computer records on appeal dismissals.
- Records of the proof of coverage filings and Certificate of Non-Coverage documents.
- Data entry of the Form 1 and Form C information.
- Compliance investigation files.
- One-year records of written requests for claim history searches.
Self-Insurance Division
- Records of companies who are self-insured for workers’ compensation.
- Records of self-insured groups.
- Records of employers who are members of self-insured groups.
- Records of third party administrators of workers’ compensation claims.
- Premium tax records for all individual self-insured employers and self-insured groups.
- Loss summary data for all individual and self-insured groups.
- Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurer Guaranty Fund billing records.
- Security deposit information for all individual and group self-insurers.
Special Funds
- Monthly reports containing open and closed cases as well as monthly, year-to-day and fiscal-to-date payments.
- Financial information from master records on the main database.
- Attorney assignments.
- Spreadsheets for each claim, updated from the time the first payment is made.
- Records of deaths with notes on compensability, denial of the claim, or liability.
- Policy and procedure manual.
Information Technology Division
- Database of interested parties.
- Compilation of all divisions’ mailing lists for bulk mail-outs.
- Rules – History of changes.
- Forms – History of changes.
- Advisory notices – History of changes.