Engineer Intern (EI) & Professional Engineer (PE) – Qualifications

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Engineer Intern (EI) & Professional Engineer (PE) – Qualifications

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The Board issues and maintains licenses for Engineer Interns (EI) and Professional Engineers (PE).  All PE original – and some PE Comity and EI – applications require Board Member review and the licensure decision to be made during the next Board meeting.  Meetings are held in January, March, May, July, September, and November.  

What follows is general information on how to obtain each type of engineering license.  The Board has precise education/experience requirements which are outlined in Article 8.  Please review these carefully.  For more information, visit Article 8 of the AR State Laws & Rules of the Board on our Rules/Laws/Standards webpage.

Engineer Intern (EI)

Qualifications (Article 8.B of the Rules) – Apply for a License ONLINE, submit your $50 application fee, and meet the qualifications by supplying:

  • Proof of graduation from an Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET (EAC of ABET) approved, or equivalent, engineering curriculum; AND 
  • Verification of passing the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam.  Board authorization is not required to take the FE exam. Please visit for additional information.

Upon successful verification of the information, an Engineer Intern License may be issued.       

For more information about the licensure process, including how to apply, fees, cutoff dates, & approval process, please visit Engineer Intern (EI) – Licensure Overview.

Professional Engineer (PE)

Qualifications – The licensure you’re seeking determines your application type. The application types are Original, Comity, or Reinstatement.

  • Original licensure (Article 8.C.1 of the Rules) You’re seeking “your first PE license” and you take the Principles & Practice of Engineering Exam. Apply for a License ONLINE, pay your $75.00 application fee, and meet the qualifications by supplying:

    • Proof of graduation from an Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET (EAC of ABET) approved, or equivalent, engineering curriculum;
    • Verification of passing the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam;
    • 4 years of satisfactory experience after completing the requirements for graduation from 1. above; and
    • Be admitted to, or already have passed, the Principles of Engineering (PE) exam.

  • Reciprocity (Comity) licensure (Article 8.C.2 of the Rules) –  You seek licensure based upon a license in another jurisdiction. Apply for a License ONLINE, pay your $200.00 application fee, then:

    • Supply proof that you are a PE in good standing in another state or jurisdiction.
    • Meet the requirements for original PE licensure in Arkansas which were in effect at the time you received your initial PE license. A summary of Comity Professional Engineer’s Rules – 1953 to present is located on the “Rules/Laws/Standards page. There are allowances regarding when you took the PE exam and when you earned your experience and also about waiving the FE exam. 

  • Temporary License – According to Rules of the Board Article 8.H Temporary License, the Director shall issue a temporary license once the Board is in receipt of the completed application for temporary licensure and the licensure fee is paid. The paper temporary licensure application provides evidence of licensure in another U.S. jurisdiction in good standing and the applicant has not been convicted of a prohibited felony. The temporary license will be in effect for 90 days or until the Board makes a decision on the Engineer Intern, Professional Engineer, Surveyor Intern, or Professional Surveyor comity licensure application, whichever occurs first. Please contact the Board’s office at 501-682-2824 for more information. 

  • Reinstatement – coming soon

For more information about the licensure process, including how to apply, fees, cutoff dates, coordinating your NCEES Council Record with our application, & approval process, please visit Professional Engineer (PE) – Licensure Overview.