Apply for Contractors License/Registration

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Apply for Contractors License/Registration

About Us
Act 725
License Instructions

There are several types of Licenses and and Registration Certificates available. Read below to see which one you should apply for and click the link to print the form.

What type of license do I need?

1. Commercial License: A commercial license is needed if a contractor performs work of $50,000 or more, including, but not limited to, labor and materials, on a commercial project. Any project that is not a single-family residence is a commercial project.

2. Temporary Commercial License – New Application: This application is either for contractors that have a CURRENT out of state contractors license OR can provide references on our pre-printed Reference Forms. THIS LICENSE IS ONLY VALID FOR 90 DAYS ONCE ISSUED.

3. Sub Contractor Registration Certificate: Subcontractors of PROPERLY LICENSED contractors can work with a REGISTRATION certificate instead of a full license. If there is a contract with a properly licensed contractor, then that is a subcontractor.  If there is a contract with the owner (written, verbal, otherwise, it does not matter) that is considered a PRIME contractor, not a subcontractor. If the PRIME contractors does not have a appropriate Commercial Contractors license, then the subcontractor would need a Commercial License.

4. Residential Builders License: A residential builders license is needed to build a single-family residence, if the cost of the project is more than $2,000, including, but not limited to, labor and material, unless an exception applies. A Residential Builders License also allows you to perform remodeling on a single-family residence.

5. Temporary Residential Builder New Application: This application is either for contractors that have a CURRENT out of state contractors license OR can provide references on our pre-printed Reference Forms. THIS LICENSE IS ONLY VALID FOR 90 DAYS ONCE ISSUED.

6. Residential Remodeler License- New Application: A residential remodelers license is needed to make major structural changes to a single-family residence or to add on to an existing single-family residence, if the project is more than $2,000, including, but not limited to, labor and material.

7. Temporary Residential Remodeler License – New Application: This application is either for contractors that have a CURRENT out of state contractors license OR can provide references on our pre-printed Reference Forms. THIS LICENSE IS ONLY VALID FOR 90 DAYS ONCE ISSUED.

8. Home Improvement License: A home improvement license is needed to do specialty work on a single-family residence, if the project is more than $2,000, including, but not limited to, labor and material. This license is for a contractor who is only responsible for certain types of work (painting, roofing, flooring, etc.). This license does not allow you to build a home or remodel a home.

9.  Temporary Home Improvement License – This application is either for contractors that have a CURRENT out of state contractors license OR can provide references on our pre-printed Reference Forms. THIS LICENSE IS ONLY VALID FOR 90 DAYS ONCE ISSUED.

10. Residential Roofer Registration: A Residential Roofer Registration is need to perform “Roofing, Roof Decks, Roofing Sheet Metal” projects more than $2,000, including but not limited to, labor and material. Contractors who have a Residential Builders or Residential Remodelers License DO NOT NEED the Registration. If the Contractor has a Home Improvement License with the classification of “Roofing, Roof Decks, Roofing Sheet Metal” would need to apply for the Registration.

Active Duty Military and their Spouses and Veterans

We appreciate your service! Please note that if you or your spouse are currently on active duty or are a Veteran, and applying as an individual/sole proprietor, not a sole member LLC, your application for license will be expedited. In addition, if you have a license in another state, you will automatically quality for a similar license.

Residential Roofers

EFFECTIVE January 1, 2022, to perform Residential Roofing, you must be REGISTERED with the Residential
Committee instead of having a Home Improvement Roofing License.The Registration is ONLY for Roofers. If you perform other types of Residential work in addition to Roofing, you will need to maintain your Home Improvement License. To apply for the Residential Roofing Registration, the form is below under “Residential Roofing Registration New Application.”

Workforce Expansion Act of 2021

Pursuant to Act 725 of 2021, the Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board has implemented a waiver of the initial licensing fee for applicants who qualify for the Workforce Expansion Act of 2021. If the initial applicant is currently receiving assistance through the Arkansas Medicaid Program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program, Lifeline Assistance Program and/or the applicant was approved for unemployment with the last twelve (12) months and/or the applicant’s income does not exceed two hundred percent (200%) of the federal poverty income guidelines and an individual/sole proprietor not a sole member LLC, that applicant may qualify for the waiver. If you meet the qualifications for the Workforce Waiver, please complete the Waiver Form below and provide appropriate documentation for the request.