ADLL Launches Electronic Licensing Platform

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ADLL Launches Electronic Licensing Platform


Little Rock, Arkansas – The Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing (ADLL) moves toward the future with the rollout of the Electronic Licensing Platform (ELP), a 4-phase plan to fully automate the online license application and renewal process.

“ELP is a unique solution that empowers agency staff with cutting edge tools that drive down costs, while dramatically improving service for Arkansans.” ADLL Secretary Daryl Bassett said.

Chief Information Officer Ken Anderson said, “Arkansans can manage licenses and permits with multiple departments and agencies with a common interface and single login focusing on features like electronic reminders and certificate downloads that eliminate paper and speed up processing time.”

Common interface and processes across agencies reduce cost of training and allow for more efficient utilization of staff. ELP will replace aging, costly, and insecure systems to free up both human and capital resources. It will improve customer service as well as reduce agency costs over time.

The ADLL remains optimistic that it can implement Phase 1 and Phase 2 by the end of November and will continue to make great progress toward the greater goal of mass adoption of ELP within ADLL and its licensing entities.

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