Examples of Unacceptable Documentation

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Examples of Unacceptable Documentation

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Examples of Unacceptable Documentation

  • “Circle the Minutes” forms.  These are forms where you circle the minutes, total up the minutes and divide by 50 to get the CPE hours.  These are considered “self-reporting” documents and are NOT acceptable third-party documentation.  You must contact the provider and request a certificate or a letter confirming the completion of the CPE. This includes “Circle the Minutes” forms provided by the AICPA.
  • CPE obtained from providers that are not NASBA registered or are not an exempt organization per Rule 13.4(f) is NOT acceptable.  A provider’s prior NASBA registration does not ensure current NASBA certification. Please check closely for a NASBA number on your documents.
  • In-firm documentation that does not have all the items required is NOT acceptable.
  • Unofficial transcripts – if you are claiming CPE from colleges or universities, a print-out of a transcript is NOT acceptable. We must have an official transcript sent to the Board from the university.
  • Plane ticket stubs, receipts for payment of CPE, rosters of attendees, confirmation letters or emails of registrations, etc., are NOT acceptable.
  • Any documentation that has handwritten notes that fill in missing information is NOT acceptable. For example, if the provider did not include the number of hours and you write that number in, it will not be acceptable. You must contact the provider for any missing information.
  • Certificates that do not have a name are NOT acceptable. You may have received a blank certificate from the sponsor. This document is NOT acceptable for audit purposes. Please contact the sponsor and have them verify your attendance on letterhead or in an email send to [email protected].
  • Screenshots of completed CPE courses are NOT acceptable. You must send verified CPE certificates from the sponsors.

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